Adventures Dark and Deep

This is not a proper review of this TTFRPG1, but just a silly observation. Two of the books related to this system are the Book of Lost Lore and the Book of Lost Beasts.

I haven’t completely evaluated new vs. recycled content in these books (that will wait for the proper review, mayb), but one thing that niggles at me is the names of these books.

The cover art is great, the internal art is fine, but the Book of Lost Lore already has two Ls in it. It should be the Libram of Lost Lore. Tell me I’m wrong.

So, the Book of Lost Beasts also has two identical initial letters: B. This one was a bit trickier (partly because there are sooo many synonyms for “book”), but I’ve come up with the Book of Bygone Beasts. That lends it a flair of “ye olde and mystick past” as well as being properly alliterative.

  1. Table Top Fantasy Role Playing Game. It’s a real thing, but I’m also feeling whimsical.

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